Ready to FINALLY write, sell and publish your book?

The world needs your story. I'm here to help you share it.

Birthing a book is not for the faint hearted: it is easily one of the most soulful and transformational experiences we can have. 

Leaving your legacy, sharing your voice and the story in your heart requires so much more than words on a page.

There is a lot involved, and while the process isn't necessarily easy, I do like to help make it SIMPLE.

When you work with me you are guaranteed to finish the process forever changed in the most incredible ways. 

I am not your average book coach.  As a psychic medium I combine my gifts to assist you clearing and levelling up the energetics that surround your creative process.  This means I can quickly clear creative blocks that may be holding you back and also provide you the clarity, confidence and strategy you need to ensure your book has the impact in the world it's destined to. 

The best way to work with me is to join The Book Doula Program or apply to work with me privately 1:1 over a 3 month period. 

You may also book a 1:1 Coaching Session with me subject to availability to receive immediate guidance on the elements you most need help with in your book birthing journey. 

I look forward to helping you share your gifts and message, leave a legacy and make BIG impact with your incredible story. 


Does this sound familiar?

📝 You've always wanted to write a book, or others have said to you that you should, but you're stuck

📝 You have a story idea or a half written story but you just can't seem to make the progress on it you'd like to - everyone and everything else keeps getting in the way

📝 You've got a manuscript finished but no idea what to do with it next, or how to get it published 

I want you to know it’s 100% possible to write and sell your book.

Without quitting your day job, without going on retreat to the Himalayas and without waiting for someone to ‘pick up’ your story.

I know this because I’ve been exactly where you are right now. 

That’s why I’ve created the Book Doula Program. 


The Book Doula Program™️  is a TOTAL SOLUTION to show you how to go from blocked,
overwhelmed or unsure to becoming a confident, 
published author with a raving fan base of readers!

I'll hold your hand every step of the way and you'll have access to the most supportive community filled with fellow inspiring authors who are on the exact same journey as you are. 


I see you. 

I know you’ve got a story to tell.

Most of the authors who find me have had some kind of healing or major trauma in life.  They know their story will help others and they're driven to raise their voice. 

Maybe this is you.

Sometimes I meet authors who have a wealth of experience and simply want  to share what they've learnt with others. Maybe that's you.

Or maybe you've been sitting with the early stages of a book idea or even have a draft manuscript that's been channelled through and is designed to help people find hope.

Whatever your experience or reason for writing your book I'd love to assist you. I believe books and words have the power to solve our greatest problems and are an incredibly powerful tool to connect communities, change lives and to create meaningful change. 

Writing a book may be something you’ve always wanted to do, but perhaps until now you've found it difficult. 

Or maybe you've been so busy helping everyone around you you've never found the time to sit down and write what's in your heart.

Or perhaps your internal monologue is stuck on repeat, and it sounds a bit like this:

Where do I start?

What will my friends and family think?


What if it's not good enough? 

I’m here to tell you that your story is worth it.

And this isn't a challenge you need to take alone. 

Birthing a book takes a village, and I have one ready for you.

As your Book Doula, I guide you through the whole process, from the drawing board to the finished book you’ll hold in your hands. I openly share my industry knowledge, technical skills and expertise. My absolute goal is to help you birth a book you can feel proud of and ensure you make the impact on the world you're here to make.  

 I’ll help you overcome any creative blocks, fears, self doubt, writer's block and procrastination or self sabotage... yes, I've been there too!

These are all normal emotions and when you have the right tools and strategy (and support!) behind you, your success truly is inevitable. 

So the only question to confirm now is when do we start? 


When you work with me I'll help you

  • Design your personalised book birthing roadmap from concept to creation
  • Kick your procrastination to the kerb
  • Understand how to successfully market your book using messaging that connects with the heart of your story and promotes you and your story in a way that feels expansive, aligned and authentic to you.
  • Get your book published (Yep, I'm founder and publisher for Healing House Publishing) but I am also totally supportive of your unique publishing pathway - whether you choose to self publish, hybrid or traditionally publish I can show you the way. Every book and author's journey is different and my goal is to support you to choose the best pathway for you and your story. 
  • Shed any limiting beliefs preventing you from reaching your goals
  • Get the strategy and support you need to finish your book from a professional who’s birthed 10 books and spent over 20 years in marketing and brand building. 
  • Understand what it takes to skyrocket your personal brand
  • Learn the ins and outs of everything from writing, editing, cover design, self publishing and promotional tactics PLUS connect you with a community of like minded creatives who are on the same journey as you!

Don't just take it from me!

"Step by step you walked me through the whole process"

"You're certainly a very talented & creative lady. You were always there to reassure me and say 'Let's do this together'."